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James Ostrer. Art disguised as Politics

If being force fed lies by the “Men in Suits” makes you itch, you will probably love the latest works by international artist James Ostrer.

Not shy of making a statement on popular culture or politics, The Ego System- his latest show is coming soon to Gazelli House Art Gallery.


Check out more in my article on 55

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Sara Darling

Hello there, Thanks for reading! I am an ex fashion stylist (gave it up to follow my gypsy soul). Now writing words for mags and websites on culture, fashion, travel and wellness. As well as copywriting for numerous fashion and travel clients, I write features, interviews and reviews for clients including Schon! magazine, Riverside Journals, Style of the City magazine, Eluxe magazine, Kensington and Chelsea magazine,,,,, and more! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @WordsByDarling @1stClassDarling