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LFW is over for another season

Fashion never sleeps in London Town.

The Fashion Fabulous Fashion Crew have left the building and are heading to Milan (or perhaps having a mini break, and recuperating for Paris).

Whichever way, they should all give themselves a pat on the back and a well-deserved glass of something they fancy, as this season’s fashion week was truly spectacular!

Having to miss the Friday shows due to my best friend’s wedding, I joined the party late, but still managed to see some exceptional shows.

The trends I picked up on are:


Ashish with their array of sequins, layered skirts over trousers, wide legs and golden jewellery, complemented Sophia Webster‘s caged birds (aka models) wearing peacock print and feathers.


Bora Aksu does dresses well, and this season is no exception. Pastels, ruffles and plenty of chiffon mean that there will always be something to impress your boyfriend’s mum, along with pretty dress newcomers, Natasha Zinko and fashionista faves, Preen.


Preferably a one-piece for full effect! Coming in all tones from pastel to poppy to neon- check the shy n retiring Molly Goddard see through shapes. Preen went all pretty and Peter Jensen went loud! Newcomer Jaewoo Lee was also in on the act with an 80s inspired box jacket. Christopher Kane did some dusty pink pieces too, but jazzed them up with black lace and Crocs (yup you heard right!!!)


Whatever you think when you imagine a ruffle, it will be available in some form, somewhere in SS17. The Shrimps and Burberry showed sophisticated ruffle neck blouses, and Henry Holland and Emilio De La Moreno went mad for the ra ra skirt.


Getting ready for work and getting kitted out for the gym are becoming more and more blurred in fashion land. SS17 saw a plethora of designers tapping into sports fabrics, bodycon shapes and easy to wear styles. Some of my faves are PA5H, which took inspiration for it’s skin tight dresses from the Formula 1 racetrack. Edeline Lee‘s presentation included sweat tops, stripes and sandals, whilst Clio Peppiatt also referenced the race track in a fun collection mixing lycra body stockings with leather, denim and lace.

It might look like the summer is all pretty in pink, but trust me, there is something for all tastes.


Sara Darling

Hello there, Thanks for reading! I am an ex fashion stylist (gave it up to follow my gypsy soul). Now writing words for mags and websites on culture, fashion, travel and wellness. As well as copywriting for numerous fashion and travel clients, I write features, interviews and reviews for clients including Schon! magazine, Riverside Journals, Style of the City magazine, Eluxe magazine, Kensington and Chelsea magazine,,,,, and more! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @WordsByDarling @1stClassDarling