Look to CAPRERA for your foodie treats

Food shopping online should start at Caprera 

Internet shopping is second nature to most of us, whether we are banking, booking a holiday or looking for a boyfriend, there is a handy tool to help us get what we want seamlessly. So it’s no wonder that you should be able to track down some tasty titbits at the touch of a button too.


So when I came across artisan foodie place Caprera, I was smitten from the word go! It’s a site filled with all your larder essentials and tantalising treats which you certainly won’t get in your local Tesco.

With an ethos of bringing a carefully curated selection of local suppliers together on one platform to offer their handmade/specialist products, it is like having your local farmers market at your fingertips! You can peruse the categories, order all your products in one go, and get them delivered to your door at the same time. A genius idea for the hectic life I lead!


My first delivery consisted of Sweet Onion Crackers, so mouth wateringly tasty, I nearly scoffed them all at once! Coupled with Black Olives Pate by Max Olive Oil, this was the perfect mid-morning snack to assist my creative writing! I took the Nim’s pineapple and kiwi fruit crisps with me on my next day of appointments in London. These are now officially my new favourite treat! So refreshing and tangy, they fulfilled my sugar craving but are 100% natural and are only 74 calories per pack!


I still have the plum and ginger Garden Cider chilling- waiting for our Great British summer time to begin..But I will be checking in again to see what other delights are on offer. With everything from specialist cheeses to chutneys to charcuterie to meringues and olive oil. There is always an occasion for a foodie treat!

Check out www.caprera.com

Sara Darling

Hello there, Thanks for reading! I am an ex fashion stylist (gave it up to follow my gypsy soul). Now writing words for mags and websites on culture, fashion, travel and wellness. As well as copywriting for numerous fashion and travel clients, I write features, interviews and reviews for clients including Schon! magazine, Riverside Journals, Style of the City magazine, Eluxe magazine, Kensington and Chelsea magazine, Stylenest.com, FlushtheFashion.com, Faultmagazine.com, Luxurylifestylemagazine.com, BespokeBlackBook.com and more! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @WordsByDarling @1stClassDarling