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The bralette that the starlettes wear at LFW

Remember LFW- that hotbed of excitement which took place in our Soho playground a mere three weeks ago?!

If you were paying attention, you might have noticed that mixing it up, is the key to making a statement for AW16; And flashing flesh for AW will be de rigeur if you are slim of hip. It played a huge role within the McQueen, House of Holland and Topshop Unique.

You can shop the cute as a button bralette used in the House of Holland collection, and re-create your own version of “Backstage Flappers”.  With an inventive design of decade mash up, the collection used the pixie bralette in looks inspired by the roaring twenties and flamboyant 70s (with a little bit of 80s spangle thrown in for good measure) proving the underwear as outerwear has legs whatever your favourite era! Are you rock n roll enough?

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Sara Darling

Hello there, Thanks for reading! I am an ex fashion stylist (gave it up to follow my gypsy soul). Now writing words for mags and websites on culture, fashion, travel and wellness. As well as copywriting for numerous fashion and travel clients, I write features, interviews and reviews for clients including Schon! magazine, Riverside Journals, Style of the City magazine, Eluxe magazine, Kensington and Chelsea magazine,,,,, and more! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @WordsByDarling @1stClassDarling